SP3308 and SP3794 Valves
When your Tap was first produced the manufacturer used a valve which had 2 flat sides on the nut (SP3308 (aka 3308R). This Valve has been discontinued and the manufacturer now uses a very similar valve with a six sided nut, SP3794 (aka 3794R). The Hot and Cold Valve are not interchangeable: The Hot opens clockwise and the Cold opens anti-clockwise.

Depending on when your Tap was produced you might have either the earlier 3308R or the later 3794R Valve in your Tap. Why is this relevant ? Some customers have reported difficulty removing the earlier 3308R valve. You can try a mechanics long socket and ratchet tool to remove the Valve from this Tap OR We have a specially designed SP3308 Valve Removal Tool from the Tap Manufacturer to remove the earlier 3308R valve. This Tool will NOT remove the later 6 sided valve 3784R. The later Valve 3794R, can be removed with a spanner or a size 14 Hex Key. Removing your own Handle will tell you WHICH valve you have. Here is our Guide How to remove the Handle on your Kitchen Tap. Check before Ordering the Tool because you might only require this Tool if you have the earlier SP3308 (aka 3308R) and you cannot remove this SP3308 with your own Tools. Be careful not to force a tool on this valve and thereby damage it so much that you cannot then remove it with the correct fitting tool. Whichever Valve is in your Tap, you will receive the current 3794R (six sided valve) as the replacement as the earlier 3308R Valve has been discontinued. This is a change by the Manufacturer of your Tap (not us).
No Brass Bush is required with this Tap Valve.
Height 38mm
Diameter at thread: 20mm,
Splines: 28
Nut Height: 9mm
Recently we have noticed that the new valve is a little stiffer to push the handle onto. We have reported this back to the manufacturer but they assure us that there have been no changes of any consequence and it is just to do with the tolerance on the machining of the valves. If this does occur just ensure that your own handle is clear inside of any residual debris and that you push the handle on and off the new valve a few times to loosen the splines slightly. You won’t damage your handle.
Tightening your valve: We would also recommend that you do NOT over-tighten this valve. As a rule of thumb, tighten as far as physically possible by hand, and then tighten 1/4 turn with an adjustable spanner.
The Hot and Cold Valve are not interchangeable as the Hot opens clockwise and the Cold opens anti-clockwise.
Reminder again re Removal Tool:
You only require the tool if your own tap has the flat two sided valve . If your own tap has the later 6 side valve 3794r, then the tool will be of no use to you.
Here is the later 6 sided valve – tool 4013r is no use for removing this valve.

Example of 3794R Valve in Situ in Tap
Here below is the earlier 3308r for which the tool 4013r is useful.

Example of 3308R Valve in Situ in Tap
Here is our Guide: 7 easy steps to replace Kitchen Tap Valve.