Maya Kitchen Tap Brass Bush with lip 3886R
Measurements: 3886R Brass Bush with Lip
Outside Diameter: 24mm
Outside Diameter at lip: 27mm
Viewed Height on Tap: 14mm
Overall Height: 19mm
A NEW Brass Bush might be required if you are replacing your Tap Valve and the Brass Bush Part has come away with your old valve i.e. your old valve is stuck inside (stuck to) the Brass Bush. If you cannot separate the Brass Bush from your old valve then you will need a new one.
It can be a common enough problem that when you remove your Kitchen Tap Valve it looks different than the valve in the picture (or the Valve that you purchased from us). It is most likely because the brass bush is still attached. The other most common Brass Bush that looks very similar is the 3868R Brass Bush with Recess which can be found here

Old SP3547 Valve inside Brass Bush SP3886

Old Valve 1427R inside Brass Bush 3886