Old Franke Olympus Tap Spout Replacement (Video)

Short DIY Video Plumbing Guide explaining the changes made to the Franke Olympus Tap Spout 3218R (discontinued) replaced by improved Spout SP3926 (Video)
We created this video to show the exact differences between the old spout 3218R and the current Spout SP3926 (also on some installation guides as 3926R). You will see in this video the addition of a slimmer teflon ring at the end of the Spout. This was added for increased stability. The new Spout is approx 2mm longer to accomodate this extra ring. If you have the older Olympus Spout with the three original o rings you will still be able to fit this new, slightly longer, spout into your old Olympus Tap base.

Posted in: DIY Video Plumbing Guides, Helpful Tips

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